Unlock Your EQ Leadership Genius Workshop
Emotional intelligence is a critical leadership and team skill that encompasses everything from regulating one’s energy, stress and focus; to effectively managing social interactions with others. The personal and professional benefits include stronger relationships, enhanced trust, better quality decisions and increased resilience.
In this interactive webinar, participants gain insight into their reactions to challenging people and emotionally charged situations as they learn about the relationship between neuroscience and outstanding leadership, cohesive teams, and happy workplaces.
1. Learn what emotional intelligence (EQ) is, why it’s important; and how to practice EQ skills to increase trust, motivation and build collaborative relationships.
2. Increase awareness of personal mindsets, unconscious biases and brain habits that can hinder relationships and effective conflict resolution.
3. Understand the science of empathy and its power to relieve stress and improve team performance.
4. Inspire trust and understanding in order to enhance communication, inclusion and results.
5. Receive the EQi-2.0 Workplace Self-assessment with group debrief.
6. Includes an EQ Tool Kit with exercises for development.
This program is a great fit if you’re looking for introduction to emotional intelligence in a 2-4 hour format. Establish a foundation in EQ for new leaders and team members by adding this workshop to your onboarding training. The content can be customized to the goals of your team.
Contact Susan today to schedule a session for your organization!
View Sample EQ-i 2.0 Sample Workplace Report
“I was very pleased with this workshop! Susan’s energy, engagement and positivity was spot on throughout the whole session!”
- A.D. Leadership Development, Deloitte
“Thank you so much for your time leading the Unlock Your EQ Leadership Genius for new hires! Your methods are so simple yet effective.”
- V.C. Manager, The Fed Cap Group
“Awesome training today, Susan!”
- C.O.M. National Director, Easterseals
EQ Connections™ Virtual Training Session
Deepen your understanding of how emotional and social skills affect your work and life.
Did you know 88% employees reported feeling stress in the early months of the pandemic?
Now more than ever, high performing individuals and teams benefit from learning emotional intelligence (EQ) skills to cope effectively with the demands and pressues of work and life. EQ Connections™ is an interactive, group-based training series that engages your employees in foundational skills and practices of emotional intelligence.
Six, 1-hour modules.
A companion to the trusted EQ-i 2.0® assessment, the content provides flexible delivery options around your team's schedule in full day, half day or weekly sessions. Discover where and how EI is present in your daily interactions. Demonstrate emotionally intelligent behavior. Practice strategies to increase your EI skills and improve your professional and personal relationships in the following areas:
Interpersonal Skills
Decision Making
Stress Tolerance
Training delivered on your schedule.
Learn, Grow and Practice as a Team
The group format provides plenty of opportunities for real-world application, discussion, and group coaching with Master EQ Coach and Facilitator Susan Clarine.
Create a fun and relevant experience with customized “real world” scenarios, based on your business. Together, EQ CONNECTIONS™ and the EQ-i 2.0® are the perfect combination to sustain self-reflection and behavior change with simple strategies, skill practices, and “ask the expert” coaching that will stick long after the training.
Download this brochure and contact susan@theeicoach.com today!
The Science and Practice of Self-Care
Now more than ever it’s essential leaders invest positive emotional and physical energy where it’s needed most. But if you’re like most successful leaders, it’s hard to carve out time for self-care as you cope with day to day challenges, uncertainties, over-packed schedules and stress. If you do have a few minutes, you may not know what to do for “self-care” or if you’ll get enough benefit to make it a regular habit.
In this workshop, you’ll learn a variety of simple, science-based self-care practices you can incorporate into your busy day. You’ll identify areas of your life where stress and uncertainty are creating road-blocks and draining attention, memory and energy. You’ll learn strategies to manage those “energy drainers” and choose one that best fits with your self-care goals.
In this interactive session, you’ll learn:
1. The connection between attention, motivation and emotions in today’s high-stress, high demand world.
2. How mindfulness helps you survive and thrive in complex times.
3. How to get your physical and mental energy back on track with simple, science-based practices.
4. Positive, proven habits to improve optimism, stress tolerance and happiness
Many thanks to Susan for an excellent session! It was a great way to end our ADEA Leadership Institute program. I appreciated the practical tips, and the participants resonated with the connection to science and research.
- Karl Haden, Ph.D., AAL
Today’s session caused me to take a deeper look at my self-care habits and make me accountable for taking actions! Thank you Susan, you’re a beautiful energy person!
- Isabelle Santoire, Mountain Guide and Motivational Speaker
EQi-2.0 Leadership Self-Assessment and Coaching Debrief
This 1.5 hour virtual coaching format includes:
Understand your leadership objectives; team objectives, current situation, short and long-term professional goals
Debrief the EQ-i 2.0 Leadership self-assessment, discuss application of the four key leadership dimensions to current role: Authenticity, Coaching, Insight, and Innovation.
Includes Executive Summary
View your three highest and three lowest EQ scales.
Compare your results to the EQ Leadership Benchmark
Identify areas where you excel
Flag skills in need of development in order to prioritize strategies for growth.
Cost: $899.00
*Includes two sessions. 60 minutes and 30 minutes and the cost of the EQi-2.0 Leadership Assessment.
EQ-i 2.0 360 Assessment Coaching Debrief and Development Plan
This 2 hour virtual coaching format includes:
Meeting One (1 hr.)
Understand your leadership objectives; team objectives, current situation, short and long-term professional and personal goals.
Debrief your 360 feedback with a focus on four key leadership areas: authenticity, coaching, insights, and innovation to lead high-performing teams.
Meeting Two: (1 hr.)
Discuss your insights.
Identify potential leadership de-railers.
Explore how EQ items correlate to your goals and professional aspirations; draw more in-depth conclusions in the areas of authenticity, coaching, insight, and innovation.
Planning and goal setting: identify 2-3 EQ strengths and areas of opportunity.
Determine development priorities and actions.
The EQ-i 2.0 360 report is designed to provide valuable insight and opportunities for leadership development. This report offers the single, most comprehensive view of your EQ results through four key dimensions of leadership.
Profile Gap Analysis
EQ-i 2.0 360 Reports provide in-depth analyses by having those you work with and know you personally provide feedback in addition to your self-assessment. Allowing for unlimited raters (Managers, Peers, Direct Reports, Friends, and Family), these observer ratings are compared with your self-assessment in order to provide you with a 360-degree view of your effectiveness.
Cost: $1,399.00
*Includes cost of the EQi-2.0 Leadership 360 Assessment
“If you’re a leader and you want to mobilize your team, one of the first things you can do…is listen to them. Empathy is a critical skill to begin with for leaders because by listening to people and understanding where they’re coming from, you’ll have a better handle on how to motivate those people and what’s important to them… That’s the first step in your ability to influence people, and influencing people is a critical skill for leaders.”